5 Types of Corporate Culture


Corporate culture as the key tool for improving the efficiency of an enterprise. Existing types of corporate cultures and its distinctive features


Due to the constant development of the economy, there is a constant need for the organization in communication with partners, employees and customers. An organization can be viewed as a team that has its own values, goals, objectives, mission, leadership styles, all of which are interconnected by the concept of corporate culture.


The corporate culture is an integral tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise, which orients all employees towards the achievement of common goals, the development of personal and professional qualities, as well as the effective interaction of all departments of the enterprise.


The experience of many world-famous companies shows that the company that thrives and steadily moves forward is a company in which a strong, friendly and close-knit team has been created, where each member of the team is interested in the overall success, since his material well-being and a sense of significance for the organization depend on this. As practice shows, organizations with a strong corporate culture develop and rise to the top faster than anyone else.


Types of corporate culture


In the modern economy, there are many different approaches to the typology of corporate culture. Here is one of the approaches that is relevant for modern management.


  1. “Role model”: in this type the relationships are built on a clear regulation of the rules and the correct distribution of responsibilities. Each employee fulfills his role as a small cog in a large mechanism. The main features of this model are: the presence of a strict hierarchy, certain job descriptions, clear rules and norms of behavior. The workflow is thought out to the smallest detail, so failures in work are minimized. This model is used in large companies where the number of employees is large.

The distinctive values ​​of such corporate culture are reliability, meaningfulness, practicality, and the desire to build a competitive and stable organization. Taking into account the distinctive features of this corporate culture, a company that uses such a model cannot quickly respond to changes in the external environment, therefore the “role model” is most effective in a stable market.

  1. “Dream Team”: a dream team or a team model of corporate culture. In this model, there is no strict hierarchy, no job descriptions, no specific responsibilities. “Dream Team” is a model in which there are no subordinates, all employees are equal, and in connection with this, informal, friendly communication arises in the team. All decisions are made jointly. The decision-making process is usually realized by the group of interested workers, who eventually performs the task. The person who has assumed responsibility for solving the question posed has authority. The fundamental values ​​of this model are team spirit, teamwork, creativity, originality, common responsibility. Ideology – only by working together, you can reach great heights. This type is typical for modern, progressive companies, startups.
  2. “Family”: this type of culture is distinguished by the presence of a warm, cozy, family atmosphere within the team. Under these conditions, the company is like a big family, and the leaders act as wise mentors, to whom you can always go for advice. The peculiarity of this model is following the traditions, cohesion, friendship and commonality of the team. The main value is the employees, as well as the company’s customer focus. All organizations are created for people and this is manifested in the following: comfortable working conditions, social protection, support in difficult situations, encouragement, congratulations on important dates, etc. Motivation is the key to success in organizations that apply this model of corporate culture.
  3. “Market model”: This type of corporate culture is chosen by commercial organizations that are profit-oriented. The team consists of ambitious, goal-oriented people who actively compete with each other for the best conditions (bonus, good project, promotion). The value of an employee is measured by the amount of profit that he has generated for the company. There is a clear hierarchy, and there is also a high adaptability of the company to external changes due to strong leaders who are ready to take risks if the risk brings profit. The key values are reputation, profit, achievement of goals, a strong and productive leader. The company is geared towards beating all of its competitors. This is a rather cynical culture, which often exists on the verge of despotic control.
  4. “Focus on results”: a flexible corporate policy of the organization, which is focused on the development and professional growth of employees and the company as a whole. The goal is to achieve results and strengthen your position in the market. There is a clear hierarchy and subordination here. The leader is determined by the level of his professional skills (the best leads). Employees are not limited to specific tasks and job descriptions. On the contrary, in this model, employees are involved in solving the global problems of the organization, allowing them to develop and grow with the company. The key aspects of the model are: focus on results, high professionalism, striving to achieve the goal, freedom in decision-making.


